Announcing: The Purge

Friends and freaks with terrifying keyword searches that ended up on my blog: it was time to say goodbye to content I’d been hauling around for years. That means posts from before 2015 are now in the big blog dumpster in the sky. You can find most of my stories here. If you were looking for something else, something potentially revol­ting for which this website was the only known source, I’m afraid you’re out of luck. Scroll down for my latest news.

God’s Speedboat book cover

God’s Speedboat Is Here

My new novel from Outcast Press is out. God’s Speedboat is part cannibal coming-of-age story, part serial killer Southern Gothic, part splatter­punk Western. Florida school libraries, here we come. Get your copy here.

07 Dec 2023

God’s Speedboat Is Coming

Almost here.

22 Sep 2023

Open Mic Night Cracked

Open Mic Night Cracked!

We’re back at Prozak on Saturday April 29, 2023 at 8PM to scratch our heads at the state of affairs, guzzle beer, and share a story, poem, or song or two. Open theme. Pretty much anything goes. If you’ve got something to say, DM us to reserve your spot.

18 April 2023

Nude Bruce Review #13

Boomerangs in Nude Bruce Review!

An aging boomerang salesman lights out for California, falls in love with a Mexican woman, then acciden­tally decapitates his business partner’s trained rat. Read Boomerangs in Nude Bruce Review #13.

01 March 2023

Mask falling off Open Mic Night logo

Open Mic Night Unmasked

After three years of serious Rip Van Winkeling, we’re back at Prozak. Bring your original stories, poems, songs, rants, and spoken word on March 4, 2023 at 8PM. That’s a Saturday. Sign up here.

01 Feb 2023

Midlevel Management Magazine Issue 3

I Got a Social Worker in MIDLVLMAG

A new piece of flash that plumbs the depths of the pandemic blues is out in Mid-Level Manage­ment Magazine Issue 3. Tim Batson, thanks for giving this weirdo story a home in your awesomely designed and named zine. Read I Got a Social Worker in print or online.

18 Jan 2023

Let’s Stab Caesar Volume III The Feral Edition

A Penis Boot in Print, Online

In the fifth episode of his 133-part epic cycle “Public Emasculations and Alcoholic Deliriums," poet warrior Narting Tadoo explores the loss of his best friend’s feet to Big Nar Nar the leper. A Penis Boot is available in print and online in Let’s Stab Caesar! Volume III, the Feral Edition.

03 Jan 2023

Illustration by Tug Wells

The City, About a Post-Apocalyptic Side­show Freak Who Eats Iron and Shits Out Nails, Finally Sees Print

Despite the protagonist’s odd gift, The City is really a story about a man and a boy who learn to trust each other in a world that’s fallen apart. I owe special thanks to editor Jeff Georgeson at Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine for feeling strongly enough about this 8,000-word tale to take a risk on it. It’s been on and off of editors’ desks for years now.

I also want to thank Harry Crews for writing a whole novel about a guy who swallows his car. (Don’t listen to Jonathan Yardley. Read it!) This was probably, in some way, the seed of this story. Read The City now in Speculative Fiction Mag Vol. 5 Issue 5.

26 Feb 2022

En Bloc Magazine Issue 2

Multiple Submissions Drops Today in En Bloc Magazine

How many times can a writer submit the same story to the same magazine before they ask them to stop? Multiple Submissions in En Bloc Magazine Issue 2 answers that question. Thanks to Sam Leach and the crew at En Bloc for the warm welcome for this absurdist tale of persistence to no avail.

23 Jun 2021

Noctua Review #14

The Jeffermans Review Their Life Choices, Ten Vignettes of Domestic Disharmony, in Noctua Review

The Jeffermans have everything: an ancient matriarch living in a peach crate under their kitchen sink, self-shrinking outfits, a flying trapeze artist next door they possibly murdered. And yet something is wrong, very wrong. Thank you, Terri Linn Davis, for giving these ten unsettling suburban vignettes a home. Read The Jeffermans Review Their Life Choices in Noctua Review Issue 14.

16 Jun 2021

Wyldblood Magazine #3

Elevated, A Tale of Too Much Happiness, in Wyldblood Magazine

Sometimes being happy sucks. Many thanks to Mark Bilsborough for editing this story into the shape it’s in. Elevated is out in Wyldblood Magazine #3 (e-book and print). Find it at Wyldbood Press.

19 May 2021

Florida Man

Florida Man

There’s been a lot of talk about what makes Florida Man more suscep­tible than other American men to committing weird, pointless crimes preserved for posterity by bizarre, frightening mugshots. This song offers a possible answer. (Actually, three possible answers.)

17 Feb 2021

Big-Headed Men

Big-headed Men Is Live at Nauseated Drive

The OJ Simpson trial happened a long time ago. It stands out for a number of well documented reasons — none of which appears in this very short piece of flash fiction, which focuses on probably the one detail about OJ that means absolutely nothing to anybody. Read it at Nauseated Drive.

04 Feb 2021

Illustration by Jay Holley

I Wore My Red Nylon Short Shorts in Johnny America

I Wore My Red Nylon Short Shorts, a 75-word story about the joy of spite, is out in Johnny America today. If you miss it, find it here for as long as it’s there. Sometimes things online disappear for no good reason. Thank you, Jay Holley!

Illustration: Jay Holley

27 Nov 2020

Shaved and Waxed at Horror Sleaze Trash

Ex-semi-pro-wrestler Earl “The Pedestrian" Wilmer is just trying to claim the $5 ass waxing he ordered off Craigslist. I guess that says it all. Read Shaved and Waxed at Horror Sleaze Trash. Because where else? Thank you, Arthur Graham.

26 Nov 2020

Press the Button, Kim

Press the Button, Kim

I cut this this morning at about 7 a.m. on my couch. The mixing is lousy and I haven’t changed my strings in about two years, but if you can imagine a happier future in which Justin Bieber is bombed to hell, here’s a little song for you. Special thanks to Brady Feutz and Marilena Zackheos, my two onliest fans.

21 Mar 2019

Legends of Midget Wrestling Card #1

Legends of Midget Wrestling

Legends of Midget Wrestling Card No. 1, featuring Little Bruiser. 2019 has been a slow year.

18 Feb 2019

Small Fish Illustration by J.D. Graves

Small Fish in Econoclash Review

This might be the last crime story I write for a while, and I couldn’t ask for a better home. Find Small Fish in Econoclash Review Issue 3, put out by the one and only J.D. Graves.

23 Dec 2018